The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Dicot Leaves and Monocot Leaves.

Difference # Dicot Leaves:

1. The upper surface is dark green while the lower surface is light green.

2. The epidermal cells have sinuous lateral walls.

3. Silica is not normally deposited on the epidermal cells.

4. Stomata are absent or less abundant on the upper side.

5. The stomata have kidney-shaped guard cells.

6. The veins do not run parallel. Instead they form reticulations.

7. Mesophyll is differentiated into two parts, upper palisade and lower spongy.

8. Protoxylem is indistinguishable.

9. Bundle sheath is generally single layered and formed of colourless cells.

10. Bundle sheath extensions are parenchy­matous.

11. Hypodermis of the midrib region is collenchymatous.

Difference # Monocot Leaves:

1. The two surfaces are equally green.

2. The epidermal cells have almost straight lateral walls.

3. Silica deposition occurs on the walls of epidermal cells.

4. The stomata are equally distributed on the two sides.

5. The stomata have dumb bell-shaped guard cells.

6. The veins run parallel to one another.

7. Mesophyll is undifferentiated.

8. Larger vascular bundles may show distinction into protoxylem and meta-xylem.

9. Bundle sheath may be single or double layered. The cells generally possess chloroplasts.

10. Bundle sheath extensions are sclerenchy­matous.

11. Hypodermis of the midrib region is scleren­chymatous.
