The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Fusiform and Napiform Roots.

Difference # Fusiform Roots:

1. It is spindle shaped in outline.

2. Apical region of the root shows gradual tapering.

3. Half or less than half of the fleshy root is formed of hypocotyl.

4. Tap root forms a part of fleshy root.

5. Fine thread-like secondary roots do not occur in the basal swollen part but are found on the remaining half.

Difference # Napiform Roots:

1. Napiform root is nearly globular or spherical in outline.

2. The root suddenly tapers towards the apex.

3. In Turnip most of the fleshy part is made up of hypocotyl. In Beet, more than half of fleshy part is formed of hypocotyl.

4. Tap root forms the apical non-fleshy part of the root in Turnip and part of fleshy root in Beet.

5. Fine thread-like secondary roots are found in the narrow apical part and nearby area.
