The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between B-Lymphocytes (B-Cells) and Т-Lymphocytes (T-Cells).

Difference # B-Cells:

1. They form a part of the humoral immune system.

2. They are processed in the liver or bone marrow.

3. They release the antibodies which finally enter the blood.

4. They produce antibodies to kill the antigens.

5. They defend the body against invading bacteria/virus. They do not reach against transplants and cancerous tissues.

Difference # T-Cells:

1. They form a part of the cell-mediated immune system.

2. They are processed in the thymus gland.

3. They do not release the antibodies.

4. The whole cell directly attacks the antigens.

5. They defend the body against pathogens but also attack the transplants and the cancerous cells.
