The upcoming  discussion will update you about the differences between Umbel and Capitulum.

Difference # Umbel:

1. The peduncle or axis is reduced to a point.

2. The flowers are pediculate.

3. The flowers are of one type.

4. The individual flowers are well spaced out from above, though they develop from the same point.

5. Umbel is a modification of raceme.

6. Bracts other than those of involucre are absent.

7. A single whorl of involucre lies at the base.

Difference # Capitulum:

1. The peduncle or axis is reduced but flattened to form a receptacle.

2. The flowers are sessile.

3. A capitulum can bear one or two types of flowers (tubular and ligulate).

4. Capitulum is a compact inflorescence where individual flowers are not spaced out.

5. Capitulum is a modification of spike.

6. Bracts other than those of involucre can be present.

7. The involucre is generally made of more than one whorl.
