The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Rhizome and Corn.

Difference # Rhizome:

1. Rhizome is elongated or stumpy (i.e., thick and short).

2. Rhizome is rarely condensed. It is compara­tively less specialized.

3. It is often branched.

4. Rhizome is generally horizontal or obliquely- placed. Vertical rhizomes are rare.

5. Roots are borne all along the rhizome.

6. Internodes may be short or long.

7. Nodes are not circular.

8. Buds are less conspicuous.

9. A rhizome may live for several years.

10. Growth is continuous so that a succession of rhizomes is not produced.

Difference # Corm:

1. It is always short and thick.

2. Corm is a highly condensed and specialized underground stem.

3. Corm is usually un-branched.

4. It shows vertical orientation in the soil.

5. Roots are produced in the basal parts only.

6. Internodes are always short.

7. Corms possess circular nodes.

8. Buds are quite conspicuous.

9. A corm lives for 1-3 years.

10. Except in cyclamen, every year new corms are produced either above or on the sides of old corms.
