The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Active Water Absorption and Passive Water Absorption.

Difference # Active Water Absorption:

1. It cannot occur in the absence of roots.

2. Root cells play an active role in this type of water absorption.

3. Living root cells either pump water into xylem or deposit solutes in the same.

4. Force for active water absorption lies in the roots.

5. It is found in certain seasons only.

6. Active water absorption is reported in some plants only.

7. It uses metabolic energy.

8. Active water absorption is immediately influenced by metabolic poisons.

9. It is not influenced by transpiration.

10. It creates a positive pressure in the xylem channels.

11. It. is manifested in the form of root pressure.

Difference # Passive Water Absorption:

1. Passive water absorption can occur even in the absence of roots.

2. Root cells have no active role in this type of water absorption.

3. Transpiration creates a tension in xylem.

4. Force for this type of water absorption develops in the shoot.

5. It is found throughout the year.

6. Passive water absorption occurs in all plants.

7. It uses radiation energy.

8. Metabolic poisons do not have any imme­diate effect on passive water absorption.

9. It is dependent upon transpiration.

10. Passive water absorption produces a negative pressure in xylem channels.

11. It is manifested in the form of transpiration pull.
