The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Corymb and Umbel.

Difference # Corymb:

1. Peduncle is well-developed.

2. The flowers arise at different levels from peduncle.

3. The pedicels of the older flowers are much more elongated as compared to those of younger flowers.

4. Arrangement of flowers is acropetal though from above it appears to be centripetal.

5. An involucre is always absent. Bracts, if present, occur at various levels depending upon the origin of flowers.

Difference # Umbel:

1. Peduncle is reduced to a point.

2. All the flowers radiate out from a common point.

3. There is a little difference in the pedicel length of different flowers.

4. The arrangement of flowers is centripetal.

5. An involucre is often present at the place of origin of flowers.
