The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Cytoplasm and Nucleoplasm.

Difference # Cytoplasm:

1. It is the general mass of protoplasm which lies outside the nucleus.

2. Cytoplasm is surrounded by a single membrane envelope called plasma lemma.

3. The outer part of the cytoplasm is clear and gel-like and is called ectoplasm.

4. A dense fibrous lamina-like structure is absent.

5. Cytoplasm possesses a number of organelles and supporting structures.

6. It is under constant motion or cyclosis.

7. The fluid part of cytoplasm contains a number of chemicals like minerals, nucleotides, amino acids, sugars, proteins and enzymes.

8. It contains endomembrane.

9. It is site of ribosome functioning.

10. Cytoplasm is the part of cell connected with various metabolic activities and functions.

11. It forms the bulk of cells.

Difference # Nucleoplasm:

1. It is the general mass of nucleus.

2. Nucleoplasm is covered on the outside by double membrane envelope called nuclear envelope.

3. Sol-gel differentiation is not clear.

4. Nucleoplasm contains a fibrous matrix. Its outer part is dense and forms fibrous lamina in contact with nuclear envelope.

5. The nucleoplasm contains three structures- chromatin, matrix and nucleolus.

6. Cyclosis or streaming is absent.

7. Nucleoplasm possesses small amount of minerals, sugar and amino acids. There are abundant nucleosides, nucleotides, proteins and enzymes.

8. Endomembrane are absent.

9. It is site of ribosome formation.

10. Nucleoplasm is part of cell, that contains genetic material for controlling cytoplasmic structure and function.

11. It forms a small part of cell.
