The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between G1 Phases and G2 Phases.

Difference # G1 Phases:

1. It is the first sub stage of interphase.

2. Available factors determine its fate, entry in Go, differentiation or continuity of cell cycle.

3. Cell organelles do not increase in number.

4. Cell grows in size but growth of nucleus is little.

5. It synthesizes RNAs, proteins and other biochemical for cell growth and subsequent replication of DNA.

Difference # G2 Phases:

1. It is the last sub stage of interphase.

2. There is very little choice for the cell except to proceed further in cell cycle.

3. Cell organelles increase in number.

4. Both cell and nucleus grow in size.

5. It synthesizes RNAs, proteins and other biochemical for spindle formation and M- phase division.
