The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Rabbit and Hare.

Difference # Rabbit:

1. Rabbit is fossorial.

2. It is gregarious.

3. It is crepuscular.

4. It can be domesticated.

5. It gives birth to 6-8 young ones in a litter.

6. Young ones of rabbit are blind, hairless and deaf at the time of their birth.

7. Hind limbs and pinnae are comparatively small.

8. Fore and hind limbs are strongly clawed for burrowing.

Difference # Hare:

1. Hare makes small excavations under bushes or in grasses for shelter.

2. It leads mostly a solitary life.

3. It is nocturnal.

4. It lives in wild stage.

5. It gives birth to 2 young ones in a litter.

6. Young ones of hare are neither naked nor blind and deaf at the time of their birth.

7. Hind limbs and pinnae are comparatively large.

8. Both the limbs are not strongly clawed.
