Tag Archives | Mammals

Reproductive Cycles of Mammals | Essay | Mammals | Reproductive Biology

In this essay we will discuss about the reproductive cycle of mammals. Reproductive Cycles of Mammals Essay Contents: Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Chiroptera Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Insectivora Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Rodentia Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Primates Essay # 1. Reproduction in Chiroptera: Patterns of Reproduction: Majority of the bats in [...]

By |2017-03-21T07:34:51+00:00March 21, 2017|Reproductive Cycles|Comments Off on Reproductive Cycles of Mammals | Essay | Mammals | Reproductive Biology

3 Main Types of Mammals (With Diagram) | Hindi | Zoology

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the three main types of mammals. The types are: 1. Rabbit 2. House Rat 3. Mole. Type # 1. खरगोश (Rabbit): पहचान एवं वर्गीकरण: खरगोश एक मध्यम आकार का अत्यन्त सुन्दर स्तनधारी है । खुले मैदानों में रहने के अलावा ये पालतू भी होते हैं । इनका वर्गीकरण निम्नानुसार है: जगत - [...]

By |2017-03-07T19:54:27+00:00March 7, 2017|Mammals|Comments Off on 3 Main Types of Mammals (With Diagram) | Hindi | Zoology

34 Types of Mammals found in India | Animal Kingdom

Here is a list of thirty-four types of mammals that are found in India. Mammal: Type # 1. Ornithorhynchus (Duck-billed Platypus): It lays eggs in the nests. The beak or bill is broad and flat just like a duck, hence named as duck-billed platypus. Pinnae are absent. Both the webbed feet and flattened tail help in swimming. Mammary glands are [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:05+00:00December 12, 2016|India|Comments Off on 34 Types of Mammals found in India | Animal Kingdom
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