The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Liverworts and Mosses.
Difference # Liverworts:
1. The plant body is dorsiventral.
2. The plants may be thallose or foliose.
3. Leaves, when present, are without a midrib.
4. Branching is generally dichotomous.
5. Rhizoids are unicellular.
6. The plants may bear scales or amphigastria.
7. Sporogonium has little green tissue.
8. Seta develops rapidly towards the maturity of spores.
9. Capsule often possesses elaters.
10. Peristome teeth are absent.
11. Columella is generally absent.
12. A protonema stage is absent.
Difference # Mosses:
1. The plant body has a radial symmetry.
2. The plants are always leafy.
3. The leaves generally have a midrib.
4. Branching is lateral and extra-axillary.
5. Rhizoids are multicellular.
6. Scales or amphigastria are absent.
7. Sporogonium has a sufficient amount of green tissue to make it semi-independent.
8. Seta grows slowly over a long period and fully developed before the spores mature.
9. Elaters are absent.
10. Peristome teeth occur towards the apical region of the capsule.
11. Capsule contains a sterile columella.
12. A filamentous protonema occurs.