The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between the responses of auxins and gibberellins.
1. They promote apical dominance.
2. Auxins induce growth in dwaft pea stem sections, but have no effect on intact plants.
3. Higher concentration of auxins inhibit root growth, but initiate formation of new roots.
4. They have no effect on bolting and flowering.
5. Auxins have no effect on seed germination and breaking of dormancy.
6. Auxins do not bring about de novo synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes.
1. Gibberellins do not affect apical dominance.
2. They induce growth in intact dwarf pea plants, but have no effect on its stem sections.
3. Gibberellins do not induce root growth.
4. Gibberellins promote bolting and flowering in non-vernalized biennials and long day plants.
5. They promote seed germination and breaking of dormancy.
6. They do bring about de novo synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes in barley seeds.