The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Microsporophyll and Megasporophyll.
Difference # Microsporophyll:
1. It bears microsporangia.
2. A micro sporangium contains numerous microspores or pollen grains.
3. Microspores or pollen grains are not retained. They are always shed.
4. The male gametophyte is formed near the female gametophyte.
5. In angiosperms, the microsporophyll is modified into stamen.
Difference # Megasporophyll:
1. Megasporophyll bears mega sporangia.
2. A mega sporangium usually bears one functional megaspore.
3. In seed plants, the megaspore is retained inside the mega sporangium.
4. In seed plants, the female gametophyte is produced inside the mega sporangium. Fertilisation and embryo formation occur there.
5. In angiosperm, the megasporophyll is rolled to produce a carpel.