The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Chromatin and Chromosomes.

Difference # Chromatin:

1. It is uncondensed part of nucleoprotein complex.

2. Chromatin is observable in the interphase nucleus.

3. Chromatin is in the form of fine fibrils that run throughout the nucleus.

4. Replication occurs in the chromatin phase.

5. The replicas are not discernible.

6. It is active in controlling metabolism and other activities of the cell.

Difference # Chromosomes:

1. Chromosomes are condensed parts of the nucleoprotein complex.

2. Chromosomes are observable during M-phase or nuclear division.

3. Chromosomes are in the form of short thick threads or rods.

4. It cannot occur in chromosome phase.

5. Replicas are visible as chromatids.

6. Chromosomes are mainly meant for distribution of genetic information to the daughter cells.
