The upcoming  discussion will update you about the differences between Catkin and Spadix.

Difference # Catkin:

1. A spathe is absent.

2. Flowers are not protected.

3. Male and female flowers develop on the separate catkins.

4. No part of the peduncle is sterile.

5. Pollination agencies are not attracted by spathe and appendix.

6. Catkins usually occur in hanging position.

Difference # Spadix:

1. Spadix has a large bract called spathe.

2. Flowers are protected by the basal tubular part of the spathe.

3. Male and female flowers may develop on the same or different spadices.

4. Upper part of the peduncle is sterile and is called appendix.

5. Pollination agencies are attracted by spathe and appendix.

6. Spadices are usually upright.
