The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between photophilous plants and sciophilous plants.

Photophilous Plants:

1. These are sun loving or Shade intolerant plants.

2. Their internodes are short.

3. They are profusely branched.

4. Their stem is hard and thick.

5. Their leaves are small, narrow, thick and linear.

6. Their leaf cells are small.

7. Their leaf cell wall is thick.

8. Their leaf epidermis is thick.

9. The leaf epidermis does not have chloroplasts.

10. They have less chloroplasts.

11. Intercellular space are smaller.

12. Their stem and root have more dry weight.

13. They are more hairy.

14. They produce more flowers and Fruits.

15. They are more resistant to high temperature and Drought.

16. Their leaves have well-developed palisade tissue and less developed spongy tissue

Sciophilous Plants:

1. These are Shade loving plants.

2. Their internodes are Long.

3. They are separately branched.

4. Their stem is soft and thin.

5. Their leaves are large, board and thin.

6. Their leaf cells are large.

7. Their leaf cell wall is thin.

8. Their leaf epidermis is thin.

9. The leaf epidermis has chloroplasts.

10. They have more chloroplasts.

11. Intercellular space are larger.

12. Their stem and root have less dry weight.

13. They are less hairy.

14. They produce less flowers and Fruits.

15. They are far less resistant to high temperature and Drought.

16. Their leaves have more spongy tissue and very poorly developed palisade tissue.
