The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Protoxylem and Metaxylem.

Difference # Protoxylem:

1. It is the first formed xylem.

2. It develops before the plant organ has completed its growth.

3. Protoxylem is comparatively less prominent.

4. It is made up of smaller and narrower elements.

5. The wall thickenings of the conducting elements are of simple and primitive type- annular or spiral.

6. Lignification occurs in protoxylem elements before the completion of elongation of the plants.

7. Protoxylem elements are capable of being stretched.

8. In many monocots, protoxylem elements get crushed during growth and the area comes to have a cavity.

9. Fibres are absent or rare.

Difference # Metaxylem:

1. It is the later formed xylem.

2. It differentiates when the plant organ has completed its growth.

3. Metaxylem is quite prominent.

4. Metaxylem is formed of broader and larger elements.

5. The wall thickenings are of complex and advanced type- reticulate, scalariform or pitted.

6. Lignification occurs after the completion of elongation in the plant part.

7. Metaxylem elements cannot be stretched.

8. Metaxylem does not get crushed.

9. Fibres often occur in meta-xylem.
