The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Caryopsis and Cypsela.

Difference # Caryopsis:

1. Seed is completely fused with the fruit wall.

2. Caryopsis is a true fruit.

3. The fruit is derived from a monocarpellary superior ovary.

4. Thalamus is not fused with the pericarp.

5. A pappus is absent.

Examples: Cereals (poaceae or gramineae).

Difference # Cypsela:

1. Seed is attached to the fruit wall only at one point.

2. Cypsela is a false, accessory or pseudocarpic fruit.

3. The fruit is usually derived from bicarpellary inferior ovary.

4. Thalamus is completely covered and is fused with the pericarp.

5. Pappus may or may not be present.

Examples: Sunflower, Sonchus (asteraceae or compositae).
