The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Aerobic Respiration and Anaerobic Respiration in plants.

Difference # Aerobic Respiration:

1. It involves exchange of gases.

2. It uses oxygen for breaking the respiratory material into simple substances.

3. Respiratory material is completely oxidised.

4. The end products are inorganic.

5. Aerobic respiration is the normal mode of respiration of plants and animals.

6. Aerobic respiration involves electron transport.

7. Aerobic respiration consists of three steps— glycolysis, Krebs cycle and terminal oxidation.

8. Every carbon atom of the food is oxidised and a large quantity of CO2 is evolved.

9. It requires the assistance of mitochondria.

10. Water is formed.

11. 686 kcal of energy are produced per gm. mole of glucose.

12. It continues indefinitely.

Difference # Anaerobic Respiration:

1. An exchange of gases is absent.

2. Oxygen is not used in the breakdown of respiratory substrate.

3. Respiratory material is incompletely broken.

4. At least one of the end products is organic.

5. It is the normal mode of respiration in some parasitic worms and micro-organisms. In others. It is a stop-gap arrangement.

6. Electron transport is absent.

7. Anaerobic respiration consists of two steps— glycolysis and incomplete break­down of pyruvic acid.

8. Less quantity of carbon dioxide is evolved.

9. Mitochondria are not required.

10. Water is usually not formed.

11. Only 39-59 kcal of energy are formed per gm. mole of glucose.

12. Anaerobic respiration cannot continue inde­finitely (except in some micro-organisms) because of the accumulation of poisonous compounds and less availability of energy per gm. mole of food broken.
