The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Female Bones and Male Bones of Humans.

Difference # Female Bones:

1. Shoulder bones are relatively narrow.

2. Hip bones are broader than that of male.

3. Diameter of acetabulum is less than 5 cm.

4. Obturator foramen is triangular.

5. Pelvic cavity is wider in diameter because it has to accommodate the growing foetus during pregnancy.

6. Sacrum is shorter and wider.

7. The female coccyx is more movable than the male coccyx.

Difference # Male Bones:

1. Shoulder bones are broad.

2. Hip bones are not so broad as in female.

3. Diameter of acetabulum is more than 5 cm.

4. Obturator foramen is oval.

5. Pelvic cavity is not so wide as in case of female.

6. Sacrum is not shorter and wider.

7. Coccyx of male is not so movable.
