The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Sieve Tube Member and Sieve Cell.

Difference # Sieve Tube Member:

1. It is a component of a long distance channel or sieve tube.

2. Sieve tube members are usually associated with companion cells.

3. Companion cells and sieve tube elements are sister cells i.e., derived from same mother cells.

4. The end wall is broad.

5. The pores are comparatively larger and fewer.

6. The pores or sieve pores are restricted to transverse end walls.

7. Sieve pores generally form a single group on the sieve plate.

8. Sieve tube members or elements occur in flowering plants.

9. Sieve tube elements are comparatively shorter and broader.

Difference # Sieve Cell:

1. Sieve cell is an independently functioning entity.

2. Companion cells are absent. Sieve cells may be associated with Albuminous cells.

3. Albuminous and sieve cells are derived from different mother cells.

4. The end wall is pointed.

5. The pores are smaller but more numerous.

6. The sieve pores are found on both end walls as well as lateral walls.

7. Sieve pores occur in many groups or sieve areas..

8. Sieve cells are found in nonflowering vascular plants (gymnosperms and pteridophytes).

9. Sieve cells are comparatively narrower and longer.
