The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Prokaryotic DNA and Eukaryotic DNA.
Difference # Prokaryotic DNA:
1. DNA content is small, less than 0.1 pg.
2. DNA occurs freely inside the cytoplasm.
3. There is nothing like nucleus.
4. Organelle DNA is absent.
5. It consists of a single molecule.
6. It is naked.
7. It is generally circular.
8. Introns are rare.
9. Non-functional regions are fewer.
10. GC content is more than AT content.
11. Small DNA segments or plasmids may occur.
12. There are fewer genes.
Difference # Eukaryotic DNA:
1. DNA content is comparatively high, more than 1 pg.
2. DNA does not lie freely in the cytoplasm.
3. Most of DNA lies inside the nucleus.
4. DNA is present in mitochondria and plastids
5. Eukaryotic DNA has several different molecules.
6. Nuclear DNA associated with histones with organelle DNA is naked.
7. Nuclear DNA is linear. Organelle DNA can be circular or linear.
8. A cistron often contains superfluous regions or introns.
9. Non-functional DNA is quite abundant.
10. AT content is generally more than that 4 CG.
11. Plasmids are generally absent.
12. Number of genes is more.