The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Diffusion and Imbibition.

Difference # Diffusion:

1. Diffusion is movement of substances from the region of their higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.

2. An adsorbent is absent.

3. All the substances present in the medium show diffusion.

4. There is little change in pressure.

5. Energy is not liberated.

6. There is no change in volume.

Difference # Imbibition:

1. Diffusion is absorption of water by the particles of a solid without forming a solution.

2. Imbibition only occurs when an adsorbent ( =imbibant) is present.

3. Only the liquid diffuses. The solid particles do not diffuse.

4. A very high pressure develops on imbibition.

5. Heat is liberated during imbibition.

6. The imbibant swells up but the swelling is less than volume of imbibate.
