The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Phylloclade and Phyllode.

Difference # Phylloclade:

1. Phylloclade is a stem structure which is green and performs the function of photosynthesis.

2. It arises in the axil of a leaf which is often caducous.

3. It does not bear an axillary bud.

4. It is differentiated into nodes and internodes.

5. Phylloclade has unlimited growth (growth is limited in cladodes).

6. Phylloclade can bear leaves, branches, flowers, etc.

7. It can be vertical or horizontal in its orientation.

8. In many cases the phylloclade’s are succulent. They store water and food.

9. It may take part in vegetative reproduction.

Difference # Phyllode:

1. Phyllode is a flattened petiole or rachis of a leaf which performs the function of photosynthesis.

2. Phyllode does not arise in the axil of a leaf as it is itself a leafy structure.

3. A bud is present in the axil of a phyllode.

4. Nodes and internodes are absent.

5. Growth of phyllode is limited.

6. No such structure is present on the phyllode.

7. Phyllode is usually vertical in position.

8. Phyllodes are seldom succulent.

9. It does not take part in vegetative multiplication.
