The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Sweat and Sebum.

Difference # Sweat:

1. It is secreted by sweat glands.

2. It is fluid in nature.

3. Secretion is stimulated by rise in body temperature.

4. It is composed of mainly sodium chloride and water, traces of urea and lactic acid and very little amino acids and glucose.

5. Sweat is discharged on to the surface of skin.

6. Sweat cools the body by evaporation.

Difference # Sebum:

1. It is secreted by oil glands.

2. It is oily in nature.

3. Secretion is continuous.

4. It is composed of lipids having triglycerides, free fatty acids and cholesterol and its esters.

5. Sebum is usually discharged into the hair follicle.

6. Sebum lubricates the hair.
