The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Monocotyledonous and Dicotyledonous Seeds.

Difference # Monocotyledonous Seeds:

1. The seed contains a single cotyledon.

2. The food is commonly stored inside endosperm, (exception-orchids).

3. An aleurone layer of special protein-rich cells is found on the outside of endosperm.

4. The embryo tips may bear special sheaths, coleoptile over plumule and coleorhiza over radicle.

5. Embryo occupies one side of the seed.

6. Plumule lies at one end near the cotyledon.

Difference # Dicotyledonous Seeds:

1. The seed possesses two cotyledons.

2. The food may be stored inside endosperm or cotyledons.

3. This layer is absent.

4. Coleoptile and coleorhiza are absent.

5. Embryo occupies the whole interior or only the central part of the seed.

6. Plumule lies in between the two cotyledons.
