The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between the Life History of Culex and Anopheles.

Difference # Culex:

1. Eggs are cigar shaped and laid vertically on the surface of dirty water in clusters forming rafts.

2. The eggs do no have lateral air floats.

3. Female Culex lays 150 to 300 eggs at a time.

4. Larva is bottom feeder.

5. At rest, larve hangs obliquely from the surface of the water.

6. Respiratory siphon is long.

7. Breathing trumpets are long.

8. Greyish in colour.

9. Each paddle bears a single long spine.

10. Wings are without dark spots.

11. At rest, the body lies more or less parallel to the surface.

Difference # Anopheles:

1. Eggs are boat shaped and laid horizontally and singly on the surface of clear water.

2. Each egg has two lateral air floats.

3. Female Anopheles lays 40-100 eggs at a time.

4. Larva is surface feeder.

5. At rest, the larva lives parallel to the surface of water.

6. Respiratory siphon is absent.

7. Breathing trumpets are short.

8. Greenish in colour.

9. Each paddle bears two unequal spines,

10. Wings have dark spots.

11. At rest, body lies at an angle of 45° to the surface.
