The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between fungi and algae.

Difference # Fungi:

1. Fungi live in aquatic, subaquatic and terrestrial habitats.

2. Fungi lack chlorophyll and are heterotrophic in nutrition.

3. They absorb organic nutrients from their environment.

4. Fungi usually live in darker places.

5. The filaments or hyphae are usually branched.

6. The hyphae may be compacted to form a false tissue called pseudo parenchyma. A parenchyma is seldom formed.

7. The cell wall is commonly made of chitin or fungus cellulose.

8. Food reserve consists of glycogen and oil globules Starch is never formed.

9. Motile spores (zoospores) and motile gametes are rare.

10. In higher forms, karyogamy is delayed after completion of plasmogamy.

11. There is progressive reduction of sexuality in fungi.

Difference # Algae:

1. Algae do not occur in terrestrial habitats. They are aquatic or subaquatic.

2. Algae usually possess chlorophyll and are autotrophic in nutrition.

3. They absorb inorganic nutrients from their environment.

4. Algae live in well lighted areas.

5. The filaments, when present, may be branched or un-branched.

6. Parenchyma may be produced by division of cells in more than one plane.

7. Cell wall is made of true cellulose.

8. Food reserve is starch (or related polysaccharide) and oil globules.

9. Motile spores and motile gametes are quite common.

10. Plasmogamy is immediately followed by karyogamy.

11. There is progressive evolution of sex amongst algae.
