The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Prop Roots and Stilt Roots.

Difference # Prop Roots:

1. Prop roots develop from the upper part of the stem, especially the horizontal branches.

2. The roots are quite long.

3. Prop roots pass down into the soil in a vertical position.

4. They provide support to the plant like pillars or poles.

5. Young prop roots are hygroscopic.

6. Prop roots are quite thick and massive.

7. They can replace the trunk or main stem.

Example: Banyan.

Difference # Stilt Roots:

1. Stilt roots develop from the basal nodes of the main stem.

2. They are comparatively short.

3. The roots develop obliquely at an angle to the stem.

4. Stilt roots provide support like ropes of a tent or pole.

5. Young stilt roots are non-hygroscopic.

6. Stilt roots are comparatively little thick or massive.

7. Main stem is seldom replaced.

Examples: Maize. Sugarcane.
