The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between leading stand and lagging stand.

Leading Stand:

1. It is a replicated strand of DNA that grows continuously without any gap.

2. It does not require DNA ligase enzyme for its growth.

3. The direction of growth of the leading strand is 5′ → 3′.

4. Only a single RNA primer is required.

5. Formation of leading strand is quite rapid.

6. Its template opens in 3′ → 5′ direction.

7. Formation of leading strand begins immediately at the beginning of replication.

Lagging Stand:

1. This is also a replicated strand of DNA, but it is formed in short segments called Okazaki fragments. Its growth is discontinuous.

2. DNA ligase enzyme is required for joining Okazaki fragments.

3. The direction of growth of the lagging strand is 3′ → 5′ though in each Okazaki fragment it is 5′ → 3′.

4. Starting of each Okazaki fragment requires a new RNA.

5. Formation of lagging strand is slower.

6. Its template opens in 5′ → 3′. direction.

7. Formation of lagging strand begins a bit later than that of leading strand.
