The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Respiratory Roots and Assimilatory Roots.

Difference # Respiratory Roots:

1. They are found in plants growing in marshy places.

2. Respiratory roots are non-green and non-photosynthetic.

3. The roots are negatively geotropic.

4. Respiratory roots have a covering of cork.

5. They possess lenticels for gaseous exchange.

6. Respiratory roots are branches of tap root system.

Example: Sonneratia.

Difference # Assimilatory Roots:

1. The roots are found in plants belonging to diverse habits— aquatic, terrestrial and epiphytic.

2. Assimilatory roots are green and photo­synthetic.

3. They are commonly Diageo tropic or plagiogeotropic.

4. Cork covering is absent.

5. Gaseous exchange usually occurs through the general surface.

6. Assimilatory roots are usually adventitious roots.

Examples: Tinospora, Trapa.
