The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Trailer and Runner.

Difference # Trailer:

1. The plant having trailers is rooted in the soil at one point only.

2. A trailer creeps along the surface of the soil without attaching.

3. A trailer is an ordinary stem branch.

4. It does not bear scale leaves on the nodes. Instead, ordinary green leaves are found.

5. Upright shoots are not formed at intervals.

6. It does not take part in vegetative reproduction.

7. Apical portions of the prostrate branches lie raised above the soil.

Difference # Runner:

1. The plant with runners is rooted in the soil at several places.

2. A runner produces adventitious roots at intervals for attaching to the soil.

3. A runner is specialised branch.

4. A runner possesses scale leaves on its nodes.

5. Upright shoots are produced at intervals.

6. With the help of runners, a plant gives rise to many daughters.

7. The apical parts of the runners are in contact with the soil.
