The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Large Bats and Small Bats.
Difference # Large Bats (Flying Fox):
1. Large bats are Frugivorous (fruit eating).
2. Head of large bats are fox-like and snout are elongated.
3. Pinna of large bats is small, simple and without ear lets.
4. First and second fingers of large bats are clawed.
5. Tail is absent in large bats.
6. In large bats, Inter-femoral membrane (membrane joining the legs with the tail) is very narrow and does not include the tail.
Example: Pteropus.
Difference # Small Bats:
1. Small bats are Insectivorous (insect-eating) except a few that suck blood, called vampire bats.
2. Snout of small bats are short and stout.
3. Pinna of small bats is usually large bearing ear lets (small lobes).
4. Only first finger (thumb) of small bats is clawed.
5. Tail is present in small bats.
5. In small bats, inter-femoral membrane is very large and includes the tail.
Example: Scotophilus.