The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Gram +ve and Gram-ve Bacteria.

Difference # Gram +ve Bacteria:

1. They remain coloured blue or purple with Gram stain even after washing with absolute alcohol or acetone.

2. The wall is single layered. Outer membrane is absent.

3. The thickness of the wall is 20-80 am.

4. The lipid content of the wall is quite low.

5. The wall is straight.

6. Murein or mucopeptide content is 70-80%.

7. Basal body of the flagellum has two rings of swellings.

8. Mesosomes are more prominent

9. The bacteria are more susceptible to antibiotics.

10. Fewer pathogenic bacteria belong to Gram +ve group.

11. Porins are absent.

12. Cell wall contains teichoic acids.

Difference # Gram -ve Bacteria:

1. The bacteria do not retain the stain when washed with absolute alcohol.

2. The wall is two layered. Outer membrane is present.

3. It is 8-12 nm.

4. The lipid content of the wall is 20-30%.

5. The wall is wavy and comes in contact with plasma lemma only at a few places.

6. It is 10-20%.

7. Four rings of swellings occur in the basal body.

8. Mesosomes are less prominent.

9. They are more resistant to antibiotics.

10. Most of the pathogenic bacteria are Gram -ve.

11. Porins or hydrophilic channels occur in outer membrane of cell wall.

12. Teichoic acids are absent.
