The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
Difference # Aerobic Respiration:
1. Occurs in all living cells.
2. This requires oxygen.
3. The end products we carbon dioxide and water.
4. Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose produces a net of 38 ATP molecules.
5. Reactions of glycolysis occur in cytoplasm, whereas of Krebs cycle in mitochondria.
6. It requires oxygen fix breaking respiratory substrate.
7. Exchange of gases takes place between organism and environment.
8. Respiratory material is completely oxidised.
9. The cad products are CO2 and H2O.
10. It Involve electron transport.
11. This is consists of three steps, i e., glycolysis- Krebs cycle and terminal oxidation.
12. Reactions of glycolysis occur is cytosol and those of Krebs cycle la mitochondria.
13. Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose produces 38 ATP molecules.
14. It occurs in all living cells.
15. Water is formed.
Difference # Anaerobic Respiration:
1. Occurs in microbes (e g , bacteria and fungi), and in germinating seeds, fleshy fruits and succulent plants.
2. This does not require oxygen.
3. The end products are carbon dioxide and alcohol.
4. Only two ATP molecules are produced.
5. All reactions occur in cytoplasm. There is no need of mitochondria for this process.
6. Oxygen k not required for breakdown of respiratory substrate.
7. Exchange of gases is absent.
8. Incomplete breakdown of respiratory material.
9. The end products are CO, and alcohol.
10. Electron transport it absent
11. This consists of two steps, i.e., glycolysis and incomplete breakdown of pyruvic acid.
12. All reactions occur in cytosol Mitochondria are not required.
13. Only 2 ATP molecules are produced.
14. It occurs in certain bacteria, fungi, geminating seeds, fleshy thou, etc.
15. Generally, water is not formed.