The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between dicot and monocot seed.

Difference # Dicot Seed:

1. Two cotyledons in the embryo.

2. Plumule is terminal, cotyledons are lateral.

3, No sheath.

4. Albuminous or exalbuminous.

5. Germination- usually hypogeal or epigeal.

6. Plumule is pushed upwards by the actively growing epicotyl or hypocotyl.

7. Radicle produced the primary root which persists and bears many lateral roots.

Difference # Monocot Seed:

1. One cotyledons in the embryo.

2. Plumule is lateral, cotyledons is terminal.

3. Plumule and radicle are surrounded by coleoptile and coleorhiza respectively.

4. Mostly albuminous.

5. Germination- usually hypogeal.

6. Plumule goes upward with the plumule sheath.

7. Primary root formed from radicle soon perishes and is replaced by a tuft of adventitious fibrous roots.
