The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences among OP (Ѱs),TP (Ѱp) , WP (Ѱw) and DPD (Ѱw).

Difference # OP ( Ѱs):

1. It is potential pressure that can develop ill ii solution when it is separated from pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane.

2. It can develop in both confined and unconfined systems.

3. It is dependent upon 3 the number of solute particles in the solution.

4. OP or Ѱs changes slightly in an osmotic system.

5. It helps in retaining water inside cells.

6. OP or Ѱs causes movement of water across a semipermeable membrane.

Difference # TP (Ѱp):

1. Its hydrostatic pressure which develops in a system due to osmotic entry of solvent in it.

2. It develops only in a confined system.

3. It is dependent upon the amount of water that enters a confined system.

4. It is variable and changes from zero to equal the OP.

5. It provides turgidity to the cells, tissues and softer organs.

6. Development of turgor pressure or pressure potential is essential for growth of cells.

Difference # WP (Ѱw):

1. It is the force exerted by the wall against expansion of osmotic system.

2. Wall pressure occurs in a confined system.

3. It is the resistance, the wall holds over the expanding osmotic; system and is, therefore, dependent upon TP or Ѱp as well as nature of wall.

4. It is commonly equal and opposite to TP or Ѱp.

5. Wall pressure prevents bursting of cells and limits expansion.

6. Reduction of wall pressure is required for growth of cells.

Difference # DPD (Ѱw):

1. It is reduction in diffusion pressure or free energy of a solvent in an osmotic system over pure solvent.

2. It is found both in confined and unconfined systems.

3. It is dependent upon OP or Ѱs of the system, OP or of outside solution and the resistance that system puts against entry of more solvent into it.

4. It varies from zero to equal the OP or Ѱs.

5. It control entry of water into cell and water relations amongst cells.

6.  DPD or Ѱw determines weather a cell will lose or gain water from an external solution or adjacent cells.
