In this article we will discuss about the structure of Sea Mussel (Mytilus) with the help of a diagram.

Mytilus 1. Commonly called “sea mussel” and is a sedentary mollusc found near tide marks and attached to rocks or stones.

2. Shell made up of two equal pieces or valves, which are ovoid, slightly curved pointed in front and broad behind.

3. At the anterior end is located a raised shiny white umbo.

4. The fringed margins of mantle protrude out on postero-ventral sides.

5. The foot is cylindrical and protrudes out on the anterior side.

6. A part of foot is modified into byssus threads. The terminal ends of these threads are club-shaped and bear adhesive glands.

7. Eyes and gills are paired.

8. The transverse septa joining the gill lamellae are absent.

9. They are much liked as food.
