In this article we will discuss about the structure of Bonellia with the help of a diagram.

Bonellia 1. It is a small marine and burrowing worm found living in “V” shaped holes in mud or sand or in crevices between rocks along seashores.

2. It exhibits sexual dimorphism.

3. The female possesses an ovoid green body of about 5 cm., which remains covered with numerous papillae without any definite arrangement.

4. Proboscis long protrusible and bifurcated at tip and mouth lies at its base.

5. A ciliated groove runs all along the proboscis.

6. A pair of setee are present mouth and nephridium is and acts as uterus.

7. The males are small, ciliated all over and measures about 5 cm over and measures about 5 cm.

8. Male is devoid of proboscis, mouth and anal aperture and lives in the citerus of female.
