In this article we will discuss about the structure of Potato Beetle with the help of a diagram.

Potato Beetle                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fig. 251 POTATO BEETLE

1. It is commonly known as “potato beetle” and is found feeding on potato plants.

2. Body divisible into head, thorax and abdomen.

3. The head bears a pair of clubbed and many jointed antennae, a pair of compound eyes & chewing mouthparts.

4. Thorax is movable and large and bears three pairs of serrated and lemellated legs and two pairs of wings.

5. Of the wings, the anterior pair is modified into hard sheath-like elytra and is folded on abdomen where as the posterior pair is membranous & transparent and remains folded under elytra.

6. The first abdominal sternite undivided by hind coxae.

7. The elytra bear vertical stripes and the thorax bears numerous dark spots.
