In this article we will discuss about the structure of Flea (Xenopsylla) with the help of a diagram.

Flea (Xenopsylla)1. It is commonly known as (rat flea or Pissu), and is common in tropics.

2. It is an ectoparasite onrats and other such mammals and acts as disease vector for plague.

3. Body is laterally compressed and maybe divided into head thorax and abdomen, which may not be demarcated clearly.

4. The head bears a small 3 to 4 jointed antennae a pair of simple eyes and piercing & sucking or siphoning mouthparts.

5. Thorax bears three pairs of long, jointed and clawed legs for hopping but no wings.

6. Abdomen is swollen in middle and has 8 segments and a pair of anal styles.

7. The whole body is covered over with bristles on the dorsal as well as lateral sides.
