In this article we will discuss about the structure of Millepedes with the help of diagram.

Thyrogluttus and Julus1. These animals are called “millepedes” are terrestrial and are found hidden below stones, wooden pieces and decaying vegetation in dark humid climate.

2. The body consists of about 45-105 segments and is divisible into a small head, a thorax and an abdomen.

3. The head bears a pair of eyes and a pair of seven segmented antennae.

4. The antennae are short and maxillae are fused to form a gnathochilarium.

5. The thorax is comprised of four segments, of which first is without leg and the rest bear one pair of walking leg each.

6. The abdomen comprises of about 40-100 double segments.

7. Each abdominal segment bears two pairs of jointed appendages.

8. Respiration through un-branched trachea and excretion through malpighian tubules.

9. Sexes are separate and genital opening is present on third somite in mid-ventral line.

10. On sides of body are present stink glands or repugnatorial glands, which secrete a cyanide-smelling fluid strong enough to kill small insects and to blind the little children.

11. They are generally vegetarian arid scavengers.
