In this article we will discuss about the structure of Goose Barnacle (Lepas) with the help of a diagram.Lepas 1. It is commonly known as “goose barnacle” and are marine crustaceans found attached to floating wood pieces, boats and ships.

2. Body comprises of capitulum and a small stalk or pedicel.

3. ‘The capitulum is enclosed in a bivalved carapace, which surrounds a mantle and is made up of 5 calcareous pieces i.e., a pair of proximal scuta, a pair of distal terga and a single unpaired dorsal carina. In this way each valve is made up of a scutum and a tergum.

4. The stalk (pedicel) is slightly ‘S’-shaped and very much wrinkled and bears a pair of curved minute vestigial antennules which possess cement glands for attachment.

5. Compound or median eyes & antennae are absent.

6. The cephalic appendages are represented by a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae which are located inside mouth. Thorax has 6 pairs of cirri-like appendages.
