In this article we will discuss about the structure of Sea Slug with the help of a diagram.


1. Commonly called “sea slug” or “sea hare” and is an herbivore mollusc.

2. Body brightly coloured, soft and flashy and tapers behind into a tail.

3. Head bears a pair of small sensory and ear-like oral tentacles, retractile rhinophores and a pair of eyes near the base of rhinophores.

4. Body bears a pair of flap-like parapodia for swimming which are lateral extensions of foot. In the middle lies an elongated epipodial slit through which the ctenidium (epipodium) projects.

5. Shell is reduced, thin, flexible and plate-like and is embedded in mantle.

6. Foot occupies the ventral part and is broad and flat for creeping among weeds at sea bottom.

7. A single common genital aperture is present on right side in front of the epipodial slit. They are hermaphrodite.
