In this article we will discuss about the structure of Centipedes (Scolopendra) with the help of a diagram.



1. Commonly called as “centipedes” and are poisonous in nature. They are swift moving, carnivorous, nocturnal and are commonly hidden in dark and damp places under logs, bricks, stones and in houses in crevices.

2. Body elongated and flattened dorsoventrally and is generally comprised of about 21-23 segments.

3. Body is divisible into a head and a trunk. The head bears a pair of 12 jointed antennae, a pair of jaws and two pairs of maxillae.

4. All the trunk segments, except the last two and one just behind the head, bear a pair of jointed appendages with each.

5. The segment just behind the head bears a pair of four jointed and curved poison claw (the maxilleped).

6. Respiration through branched tracheae and excretion through two malpighian tubules.

7. The sexes are separate and the genital openings are situated at the hind end of body.
