In this article we will discuss about the structure of Corallium with the help of a diagram.

Corallium 1. It is the dried skeleton of a “red coral” or “Moonga” which is found off the Mediterranean Sea (off Africa and Italy).

2. It is branched, colonial and is red in colour and grows up to 30 cm. in height.

3. It represents only polypoid generation and is dimorphic.

4. The polyps are white and are of two types-the large, tentaculate and retractile anthocodia and minute and non-tentaculate siphonozoids distributed in between anthocodia and represented through minute pores.

5. The coenosarc gets calcified and hard and is bright red in colour.

6. Skeleton is formed by calcareous spicules, which appear as extremely hard spines.

7. The anthocodia have 8 tentacles and few gonads. The mesentaries are in multiples of eight. A dry colony bear bunches of small thorns which are nothing but dried calcareous spicules.

8. The anthocodia act as feeding as well as reproductive zooids, whereas siphonozoids help only in producing feeding currents.

9. It is of commercial utility and is used as precious beads in jewellery from ancient times.

10. The anthocodia are viviparous.
