In this article we will discuss about the structure of Praying Mantis with the help of a diagram.
1. They are commonly known as mantids or praying mantis.
2. They are carnivorous insects and feed on other insects and are generally found in fields and gardens on the trees.
3. Body elongated and is divisible into head, thorax and abdomen.
4. The head is small and bears a pair of long antennae, large compound eyes, biting type of mouth parts and three ocelli.
5. The thorax is long and comparatively narrow and bears two pairs of wings & three pairs of legs. Abdomen has 10 segments.
6. The first pair of legs is modified for catching the prey and are folded in front in the posture of prayer.
7. Abdomen long broad and swollen in the middle and is having ten segments.
8. The last abdominal segment has a pair of anal cerci.