In this article we will discuss about the structure of Cattle Leech (Hirudo) with the help of a diagram.

Hirudo (Leech)

1. Commonly called Indian Cattle leech and is a fresh-water form.

2. Ectoparasite on catties and even on man.

3. Setae, prostomlum, appendages and distinct head are absent.

4. Only a well developed posterior sucker is present. The anterior sucker being reduced.

5. Each segment is further divided into 5 annuli except first two and last seven segments. The third is triangulate and IV-VI are biannulate.

6. Anterior and posterior segments smaller in size and middle ones larger. First five segments bear paired eyes.

7. Tri-radiate mouth is located on ventral side, proboscis non- protrusible and Jaws three and well developed.

8. True coelom absent and haemocoel is spacious and filed with botryoidal tissue.

9. 17 pairs of nephridiopores are present on last annuli of segments 6-22.

10. Male genital pore is located on 10th and female genital pore on 11th segments mid-ventrally.

11. Blood red In colour and crop has paired diverticula.

12. Hermaphrodite and reproduction sexual.
