In this article we will discuss about the structure of Beroe with the help of a diagram.


1. Commonly known as “Mitre jelly fish” and is found in groups or swarms throughout (cosmopolitan).

2. Body thimble-shaped and laterally compressed with broad oral and narrow aboral end.

3. Tentacles and oral lobes are absent and mouth is a wide opening leading into stomodaeum (pharynx).

4. All along the body length run four pairs of meridional canals, which give off large number of branches on all sides to form a sort of complex network.

5. The meridional canals along with a pair of stomodaeal canals unite into a circular horizontal tube which runs around mouth.

6. Swimming plates are well developed and run all along the body length.

7. In their upper halves the swimming plates are connected with gonads.

8. Development through a larva known as cydippid.
